This picture describes the boys and their personalities
Play it safe Gavin and daredevil Ethan, he fell before I could actually get one of him standing and when I asked Gavin to just let go for a picture he promptly got himself off and walked away.
This one is too cute for words
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
My boys to a T
Posted by
12:40 AM
What we do while Brandon is on duty
We all know that Brandon isn't the biggest fan of the outdoors, and even though we have all tried it takes a game of golf or football to get him to do something outdoors. This past weekend Brandon had duty and we thought we would get in some of those outdoor things we like to do without him so we don't have to deal with any complaining. I took the kids to Mission Trails Regional Park that isn't far from our house, only 10 minute drive at best. Since i have moved here I have been looking for different trails and trying my best to find something to compare to back home.
I know that I won't find anything like Multnomah Falls, but I've tried my best to find things that will keep the kids interest. No kid likes to hike up a dirt trail and back and not see ANYTHING cool.
I found Sunny Jim Cave where you can walk down 145 stairs that were built over 100 years ago to make access to see the "face"
We were actually going to do that but I found out that it's actually 7 caves and that you can kayak them. Here is a picture of some of what you would be kayaking...
We will be doing that the next sunny weekend. I actually might leave the kids with Brandon and take some me time and do this.
Back to hiking and Mission Trails here is the trail map...
There is SO much to do other than all different types of trails to choose from to either walk, hike, run, bike, and even ride a horse on. But there is also area to camp, boating, and rock climbing. Here are a few pictures from out outing
Posted by
12:09 AM
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
CPO = New Orders & New House
There has been talk back and forth of where our new orders would be, but Brandon has gotten conformation that we will be going to the USS Asheville as originally planned. I have yet to see them in hand so until then I'm not counting on them 100%. Soon I hope to get them though so I can ease my mind that last bit.
Onto housing, after much drama and auguring and waiting we are moving to a 4 bedroom closer to base, so it will give us more room and save gas money. Nice huh ;-)
The only downer is that I'll have to drive everyday back up this way to drop the kids off at school since I want them to finish the year out where they are. It's bad enough having to transfer schools every few years due to being a military family and since I can help this time around by letting them finish the year where they are, I'll be driving every morning!
So that's our plans; staying in San Diego another few years and moving to Point Loma.
Posted by
8:20 AM
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Back to normal
Now that Brandon is done with all the chief hazing (oops, I mean initation) and the folks have flown home, we are trying to get back into our routine. Only problem is I'm weeks behind in English reading and I have a major essay due Wednesday. Hopefully I can get back on my game. :-)
The boys thought it was fun skipping school so they could have some extra time to hang out with Grandma and Papa Tom, and Gavin is already asking if he can do it again, but this week I have to find a J-O-B! I'm not looking forward to it, but I have to do my part in trying to help the family out, or so I've been told. ;-)
My life is about to become even that more crazy because I refuse to drop out of school to be able to work. It took me 10+ years to finally follow through with school and I don't want to throw the last year away and get back in that routine of not doing homework, even though there are many nights (like tonight) that all I do is pray that my homework could just be done!
I'll keep y'all informed of how everything pans out.
Posted by
11:14 PM
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Brandon's pinning ceremony
Yesterday was a busy day, but here is how it went down... We woke up bright and early after mom and I tried to be rock stars and stay up all night and hang out and watch TV, went to FINALLY get the boys hair cuts, try to find teh PERFECT rememberable gift (which didn't happen), and then we back home to put our fancy clothes on, and off to pick up Milie and her kids and then headed over to the base to get good seats. We got there early, but the good seats were already gone. So we took our seats in the back and tried to figure out what was going on. Once the ceremony started the guys matched in singing Anchor's Away and they all lined up and it was really neat to watch. Me being blind as a bat wasn't able to find Brandon so I zoomed in and started taking random pictures in hopes that I would find him, and I DID! Here's the random ones that lead to finding Brandon. Nope wait
yup, there he is
Milie and I had to entertain ourselves while all the other guys and their 547 families members who they selected to pin them was introduced. I was under the assumption that 2 max was the limit, but I was schooled and now have learned that even during "the greatest day of their lives" that some choose to kiss ass and have the Admiral pin them. Here is the video of Brandon being pinned by his dad Tom and my mom Cindi
I took the video and Milie took pictures, once she gets them to me I will post more. Here are a few from after the pinning and I'll blog about dinner and the waiter!
Posted by
10:30 PM
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Today's the day
The folks are in town, the outfits have been bought and pressed and today at 3pm the hubby becomes Chief Miles! I am so proud of him and that he was able to advance his career at such a fast pace. I'll post the pictures later on tonight, that is if were all still standing straight up after the dinner celebration.
Three cheers for Brandon!
Posted by
8:54 AM
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
6 days and counting
Brandon has his cheif pinning this coming Tuesday and that means I have to get the house in order for the family coming into town. My mom flies in on Saturday so she can get a mini vacation in also and Brandon's dad flies in Monday. They both fly out Wednesday, but since they are coming that means that I have to have this house spic and span, sparkling clean. I shouldn't have an excuse since the boys are in after school programs, but I have taken this time to be extremely lazy and sleep. I have even slacked on my homework and have barely done anything. I have managed to feed my family, keep them clean and wash their clothes, but other than that I haven't done anything. Tomorrow is a new day and I'm getting the downstairs done, that's my goal. So if you try to call that is what I'll be doing ;-)
Why is it that we over clean when parents come to visit?
Posted by
10:14 PM
Monday, September 8, 2008
Famous Mormons
I am asked a lot of questions about my religion and today while I was messing around on the internet I came across a link to famous Mormons a few who stood out to me were
Amy Adams
Eliza Dushku
Aaron Eckhart
Jon Heder
Katherine Heigl
Rick Schroder
Paul Walker
They are not all still practicing, but who am I to speak on that ;-)
Posted by
4:13 PM
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Phi Theta Kappa
Because of my grades over the last year I was invited to join Honor Society, but here is my problem each school has their own chapter. Mesa is Beta Beta Upsilon and City is Beta Iota Kappa. San Diego allows you to be able to take classes at any campus; which I just learned about this semester! This is my first semester taking a class at Mesa, but it was Mesa that sent me my certificate for academic achievement and offered me a spot, but I generally take my classes at City. I asked if it mattered which chapter I was involved with and they said yes. I am able to join Mesa and still take classes at City just as long as I have at least one class at Mesa each semester. Doesn't sound like much of a hassle until registration and they only have classes available at City and then that would be a waste. I'm not sure what to do, but I do know that I am joining since it will look great on my transcripts and they offer amazing benefits.
Posted by
9:35 PM
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Kids first day of school
Today was the kids first day of school and my first day of 9+ hours alone! It started off with the boys not wanting to get up since we have been having some sleeping issues, but they ended up laughing cause I thought I would try the tickle effect to put them in good moods.
Gavin was going back and forth on if he wanted to go or not, and in the end he was smiling that was UNTIL we got there. They have the kids meet in the lunch area; which is outside and each classroom has a space to sit. We find Ethan's class room and there isn't anyone he knows sitting there so he freaks out and says he doesn't want to go in that class becasue all the kids at that table are too big. This sets Gavin off and now I have him grabbing at my leg for dear life.
I walk back and forth between their tables and realize that their classes are on opposite sides so I wont be able to walk Ethan to his class. He says he is okay and I walk over to Gavin's table and this is when we meet his teacher. We already know that he has issues with short hair and guess what, yup short hair. He JUMPS on me and says no I don't like her hair. Thankfully she is extremely nice and Gavin even gave her a half smile. At least that was what I thought until we walked to the classroom.
Gavin started crying and she just grabbed him and pulled him into the classroom and has him sit down. I watch through the window and I see him curled up in a ball crying and he says, "Mommy I don't want to be here." I wanted so badly to walk in and grab him and say forget it. He is on the younger side and he can actually wait another year. If we were in a tradition school he would be waiting another year, but since we are in a year round school the birth date cut off is the end of the year instead on August.
In the end, I leave and go about my business. Oh we went to a BBQ yesterday over at Angie's and forgot our camera over there. I was upset that I didn't have the camera on their first day of school. I had to use my camera on my phone, but I'm going to take more tomorrow and just pretend so I can post some pictures on here.
Posted by
10:50 PM