There is no better way than to spend San Diego's hot summer days than in school, right?
After an hour of SLOW Internet and being kicked off multiple times, I was finally able to register for my classes. I had planned on taking the summer off, but found a schedule that I like and will keep me on track with my time line for my degree.
I'll be taking 2 history classes (a requirement here in San Diego for a bachelors) and a fine art; which is the requirement for any photography classes.
Each class is only 5 weeks, but they all have different start dates, so it will be nice and keep me busy while Brandon is out to sea this summer and Milie will be already living in WA. Plus the kids go to year round school, so it will give us the same summer dates off now (very rare around here!)
Monday, April 27, 2009
Summer School
Posted by
8:12 AM
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Family day
Today I had to set an alarm to wake me up to finish up a sociology test that was due this afternoon. But after I finished, Brandon thought that we should get out of the house and spend some time together. I had a return to make so we ended up making it a day at the mall.
Fashion Valley Mall is an outdoor mall and we walk it all the time just to get out, but they have a Coach store and I always have to stop and take a look. Today I got a new member of my coach family, here's Penelope isn't she a beauty?
The boys were really good, so we stopped at the sports store and Ethan got a Cowboys wallet and Gavin picked a Bangles hat (Brandon says if he wears it during football season hes disowning him)
By then we were starving and went to lunch. Ethan has become such an eater! Brandon and him almost ended up eating about the same amount. Ethan not only ate his food, but my taco and Gavin's as well!
We ended the afternoon at the motorcycle shop and looked around for a dirt bike for the boys. The fact they are the smallest 7 and 5 year olds ever does help! Poor kids have to wait till the grow some more before we can fit them on a bike.
It was a great day and so nice to not have to listen to X-box!
Posted by
5:48 PM
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Easter fun
This Easter kinda snuck up on me and before I knew it, I didn't have any plans and wasn't sure what I was going to do. Milie called and was in the same situation, so we decided to have dinner together.
They came over mid afternoon and the men went out to change Milie's brake pads while we cooked dinner and entertained the kids. We thought that rather the kids just getting their baskets we would turn it into a treasure hunt.
Here they are just before they started
Here's Alex reading the first clue
Michael was the only one tall enough to reach the next clue in the microwave
Next it lead them to the sand box, the only problem is that it is HUGE! Big enough to make a sand volleyball court
After a few holes dug and neighborhood kids trying to help Michael spotted it
The next clue took them to a clock, only problem was that we use either the cable box or the oven for that and since the TV wasn't on and the ham was in the oven we decided to put the clue under the boys alarm clock, but I couldn't find it! Maybe thats why I always have to go in and wake them up! The clue ended up under Amya's since hers was actually in its place
Ethan found it, but...It stumped them
Once they figured it out they were off running towards the mail box, but I have neighborhood kids walking in my house thinking they could play, so I had to shoo them off and didn't get any pictures. But that clue lead them to their baskets and here is what I found once I got the pesky kids out of my house
Here they are once they found the baskets
Boys baskets
After all that excitement dinner was almost done and we called in everyone to wash up and we all sat around the table and had ham, mashed potatoes, broccoli, rolls, Milie's potatoe salad and we tired out a new recipe of homemade mac n cheese. Milie also made a homemade cake for dessert; which came a few hours later but was yummy!
After the Garrett's left we sent the kids to the showers and cleaned up. We never did our egg hunt so we thought why not now. Brandon started hiding the eggs in such easy places that I made fun of him and told him to try again. Little did I know that he was right they couldn't find the eggs and we have to give clues and play hot and cold. Lesson learned ;) Overall, it was a great day!
Posted by
2:35 PM
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Dates are decided
For those that read my blog and don't check updates on Brandon's big 3-0 (my bad for not updating in 4 months!) I have now
Brandon's birthday weekend will be November 12-15th
Click the link to the right or click here
Any questions, call me
Posted by
6:04 PM
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Spring break day 1, 2, & 3
This spring break I wanted to make sure and not sit around and do nothing here so Monday we went and picked up the Garrett's and headed out to La Jolla Cove and hiked down Sunny Jim Cave. It was a quick 145 steps down and a few quick snap shots and then back up, so we went to the beach there and the kids had a blast.
Tuesday Milie and her kids drove out here and we had a pool day. It was freezing water in my opinion so I tanned while Milie read and did homework and the kids lasted an hour and a half or so before they started shivering. We then hung out while we waited for the husbands to get off work so we could drive to Sonic. They just open one out here and once we go there we saw the line of over a mile long of cars and changed our plans to Chili's.
Today we were going to head to the science museum but I didn't get my updated Omsi pass in the mail until today and it rained last night which always my excuse to have a lazy day. I know 3 days in and I already wanted to relax. Instead we started our spring cleaning here and once Brandon got home we rushed off to the Padre's game. It was military appreciation and they gave us free tickets and tee shirts. The boys had a blast and asked to go again. I think we will pay for our seats next time and sit closer, we were up in the nose bleed section. Free tickets though so I can't complain.
Keep ya updated with the rest of our week (month actually, kids get a month off for spring break since they go to year round school)
Posted by
11:45 PM
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Found it
My younger brother and sister played baseball/softball all throughout their lives and have been on teams that traveled the United States. They have played catcher FOREVER and the folks have forked over TONS of money on equipment. Levi had to quite due to major knee injuries and poor little princess Hannah ended up with catchers feet (stubs). Brandon and I have talked and we agree that we want the boys to play other positions, but since they are young and "trying" out each position to figure what works best for them we have let them play catcher and this is the cutest picture of Gavin "acting like Auntie Hannah" as he put it.
Here are a few other of him playing
The two catcher pictures were taking with my iPhone and these other two were taking with my camera, think it's time for a new one? ;) Poor thing is crapping out on me
Posted by
4:45 PM