After a horrible scare from the doctors of we need to see you asap, today we had another ultrasound done and baby is good. Me on the other hand, my liver is acting up again BUT it will not effect my pregnancy! Woohoo
Here is the little one
thank you all for the prayers and well wishes! I got more pictures and will post once I pull out my camera and not have to use my iPhone (since it just blurs them up) so y'all can see our little alien (that's what Gavin says it looks like)
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
All is well
Posted by
11:13 PM
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Baby shopping once again
I know that we were going to paint and paint some more this leave, but I got sick and the paint smell has become to overwhelming for me so poor Brandon has been stuck doing it himself. He has done Ethan's room and the game room. It's more than I truly thought would get done =)
Other than painting I had a doctors appointment where we found out everything is good with the baby and I'm actually a week behind than we thought so the new due date is July 7th
We did some last minute Christmas shopping and ended it with window shopping for the baby. Brandon told me to stop looking only at girl stuff but I guess I enjoy counting my chicks before they hatch. We decided we didn't want to jinx ourselves so we didn't buy anything but I haven't stopped looking online and I think I finally found the stroller and car seat and its so cute that I felt like sharing it with all of you
I know it's not very fitting for a boy but don't worry I have one picked out for a little man as well, I'm just not as in love with it as I am with this one
but it is still cute, huh? =)
Posted by
12:32 PM
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Day 2
Today is starting out a bit slower than I hoped but I woke up feeling like someone needed to take a pin needle to my head so it can pop and I can't stop sneezing!!! Sneezing is not only annoying but also painful! My poor pregnant body is already taking a beating but to have my ovaries feel like they are going to explode with each sneeze (TMI, but I wanted to explain to the best of my ability ;))It just needs to STOP!
Enough complaining onto our goal...the game room! Pics to come
P.S. after a night of drying Ethan's room looks much better than I thought it would and only parts of each wall (top 2 feet) need another coat and not everywhere like I thought would have to be repainted
Posted by
10:44 AM
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Day 1 results
We started in Ethan's room and maybe we should have re-thought that plan. His walls were pink and not thinking it would be an issue we went right ahead and started priming to only find out that the pink KEPT showing up! It took 3-4 coats to get it "good enough" for us and really I think that it needs another good coat to call it a day. The frustration really got to us and we changed our daily goals to one room a day. We still will be able to finish, maybe just not during Brandon's leave but luckily for me he is on stand down till after the holidays. Here is what we accomplished today...
Light pink
to white
On a better note, THE COWBOYS BEAT THE SAINTS!!!
Posted by
8:53 PM
Day 1
Brandon has a week of leave and I'm excited to see what we'll get done with the house. Quick catch up to where we are, as soon as we moved in we painted the family room and kitchen and set those rooms up. Come to find out it needs a second coat and I didn't LOVE the paint color so I lost all motivation, plus Brandon was leaving for sea so not much as been finished.
The unfinished house is making me depressed and with Brandon's up coming deployment and knowing I will deliver while he is gone, it's just not a good situation. So we are planing on taking care of much of this problem this week (minus time for the Cowboy game and Christmas) I'll post pictures of our accomplishments (fingers crossed there are some!).
Today's the kids rooms, I would say paint but the boys haven't nailed down how they want to do their rooms and since we don't know what we are having it would be pointless to paint the nursery...wish us luck!
Posted by
9:42 AM
Monday, December 14, 2009
Doggie delusion
We have a cute chihuahua named Bella and like every other ankle bitter she believes she is bigger than she is, but the part that I find hilarious is that she will sniff her path whenever we go on walks. Not like normal dogs that sniff here and there but like a hound dog, from start to finish her nose is down and sniffing the way. The best is when she gets her nose deep into the grass.
Posted by
5:53 PM