Yesterday I was driving to the commissary and when I turned onto the on-ramp I spun out which caused me to sway side to side. While I was trying to regain control of the beast I hit some water; which spun us into circles and I ended up the wrong way on the freeway, actually on the road where it merges into the freeway.
As soon as we came to a stop I could hear a hissing sound, so I got out to see where it was coming from and I could see a rock in the tire at the rim causing it to loose air. While I'm out of the car checking things out Ethan freaks out and jumps out of his car seat and into the drivers seat and puts the beast into gear and they start rolling onto the freeway. I have to jump in and hit the breaks and I start freaking out because I realized I'm faced the wrong way and everyone is just passing by me at the speed of light (or so it seemed)
I call 911 and they tell me that since nobody is injured that we are not a priority and someone would be by when they can, but to get a tow truck out asap. Thanks! Oh and to make that even better, you would think that when you call 911 you would be connected to a dispatcher right away, NO! It said push any button if this is a life threatening emergency or hold for the next available operator, WTF is that about? Do people really just call to complain and b/s with the dispatchers, I mean for real come on! I know that nobody was hurt or bleeding, but I was the wrong way on the freeway and we all know how crazy Californians drive! Plus nobody stopped to even see if they could help (1 did later, but I get into that when I get to that part)
So now I'm sitting in the beast trying to clam Ethan down, while Gavin calmly says that was kinda scary! Frick and Frack, hot and cold, they are complete opposites on some things. :) So I call housing because we get free roadside assistance if it is within 5 miles of housing, He then tells me that I have to have some card on me for it to be free, so I have to tell him to get bent and I call insurance. This is where the anger starts to really set in, the damn automatize lady comes on and says push or say one if you want this, push or say two if you want that. I can't even concentrate and I keep having to hang up because the computer voice is picking up Ethan crying and says I didn't understand you, could you please repeat. Finally when I think I get connected to the right person a patrol man shows up so I hang up and he just asks for my keys and by this time the tire that is leaking air is almost down to the rim, but he drives it anyways and turns it around so I'm facing in the right direction. Oh because he shows up finally people start slowing down and act as if they care. He tells me to stay in my vehicle with my seat belt on and wait for the tow truck ; which is coming he asks. Well of course I got through to my insurance, they wouldn't dare have some dumb ass automatize system that would delay those in need!
He leaves and I have to start the process of calling insurance back and dealing with that b/s. Finally I get connected to roadside assistance and they tell me that a tow truck will be out in 45 minutes and that I will need someone to come pick up the boys because they can't ride in the tow truck (thank God they said this because he was a skeet)
I call Milie and bless her heart, I couldn't even begin to tell her how to get to where I was because I didn't know what on-ramp I had taken. So Cristin came and picked up the boys and saved the day for me, or at least Ethan. He needed out of there because he was having some kind of break down and thought he was going to die right there! While Cristin was there finally someone stopped to see if he could help and by that time I already had the tow truck on the way, so I thanked him for the offer and said we had it under control. Oh just an FYI at least 7 other tow trucks passed me, along with a firetruck and a policeman and do you think they stopped, NO! Thanks for nothing!
Cristin leaves with the boys and while I'm waiting for the tow, I call Milie and we decided that this was time for me to reflect on why in the hell was I driving 15 minutes to the commissary to save maybe 20 cents on some damn toilet paper that I could have just gotten at the mini mart on the same road that I live on! After talking with her for almost 30 minutes finally the tow truck driver shows up. This flaming idiot tries unsuccessfully to hook up the beast and decides to actually try in the road. Now don't forget we are in California where the minimum is 90 mph (or so they think) and he just drives into the freeway where they merge and just waves cars out of his way. IDIOT is putting it nicely. I decided I don't want to die today and climb up the embankment to stay clear of his flying body when he gets hit by a car.
I'm starting to think why in the hell is he trying to do this in the actually road because at this point I no longer have a tire it is completely down to the rim. He ask me for my keys and I don't really want to give them to him but I do and he processed to drive my beast onto the road to line up with his truck and you can hear the awful sound of metal and pavement, a sound that should never be heard especially coming from my beast! I'm thinking this dumb ass is not only trying to commit suicide, but he is jacking up my rim and is going to cost me more money!
He finally gets it hooked up tells me to get in, and I try to quickly think of a way out of getting into his truck, but decided I don't want to be left alone on the side of the freeway. He then processed to tell me that he doesn't want to take me to the auto shop that insurance wanted me to go and that I should just go to discount tires or something like that. I'm thinking why didn't he just help me replace the tire with the spare then. Anyways, he takes me around the corner to the express tire and they put air in it and say I'm good to go. After asking if they were sure, the manager could tell that I was feeling a bit of unease with it all and said he would have his guy take the tire off to make sure and clean it off. I felt better till he called me in and said that I might have to buy a new tire and it would be $292.92 ! After Jeremy's wreck, I learned to never buy just one new tire, I was thinking damn there goes a chunk of savings! But thank God I didn't have to replace anything and even the rim made it!
I went to Cristin's to pick up the boys and I think Ethan is the only one permanently scarred because when we got into the beast to drive home, he had to check out the tires first and he all shaky voice and all said, "I don't want any more flat tires." :)
1 week ago
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