It is now 11:35 pm and I just finished my English papers! I am the BIGGEST procrastinator and that it NO JOKE. I thought it would be great fun to wait until the last day to finish all my work. I only had a test, discussion, final paper, and journal due. Well let me tell you what I have been doing for the past 8 hours....ALL THAT CRAP! And the worst part is that my butt hurts from all this sitting. I asked Brandon if he will rub my buttocks and he keeps saying later with the look as if I'm joking, but I'm not, it HURTS! Eight hours sitting is not what I'm about, now 8 hours laying in bed being lazy I can do, but sitting in the edge of the couch and on the floor, going back and forth is not my cup of tea.
Okay back to the work, I thought it would be quick and easy, the test and discussion took maybe 45 minutes, no biggie and then I start my journal (you should know that I have known all semester that this would be due at the end of class, and my teacher suggested to stay on top of it each week so we wouldn't get behind) Do you think that I would listen to that? All I hear was one less thing I have to do each week :-)
Anyways, so I look at what I need to write about and what I need to write, it is freaking 17 papers! Not 17 pages, each story need to be a proper paper with references and all the crap! I'm thinking what did I just get myself into. Then I think maybe I should just write my final paper first to get it out of the way and since they are both worth 100 points each I should do the sure one just in case I don't finish the journal and never get around to starting the paper. But then I think of my points and I know I can go without the journal and still pull a B in the class. Sad huh? Trying to justify to myself to not have to do that damn journal!
Here is where Mom's voice comes into my head, "I pulled a 4.0 throughout college, being a single mother and all, you should be able to do it." Thanks Mom! I feel the guilt and start with the journal. Dinner time comes and goes and I send Brandon to pick up take out cause there is no stopping me, but then he comes home and I try my best to keep working, but the smells of Applebee's was too much and I had to stop real quick and eat.
After what I thought would be a great meal, (they burnt my stuff) I got back to work. All this time since I started the boys have been acting like fools, asking for this, fighting over that, and guess what Brandon did all day...played damn PS3 Madden! :-) I can't give him that hard of a time though cause it is his last day of stand down and he should spend it doing what he wants. So back to me, After each one I do I am saying a count down out loud and cheerleader Brandon over on the other couch is saying shh, and starts yelling at the game some more. I have to send the boys outside, upsides, and set them up with a game. Once 10:30pm rolls around and I have 7 more to go, I thinking I'm not going to make it. I get that gut feeling, CRAP I won't finish in time!
But then the miracles of all miracle happens the last 6 are poems and they are as short as can be and there is only so much you can write about 5 sentences, ya know? I finish with a little shy of an hour to write my last paper. I start and the fingers go flying. I write that beast in 15 minutes flat! It just flowed out of me and I kept going and going. I don't even do that when I have time to write. I am also the queen of writers block, but not this time!
In closing, thank you God for getting me through this and now I have a month off before my summer semester starts. Anyone up to go play? ;-)
1 week ago
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