Everyone always jokes that I am the queen at procrastination, but Brandon has taken the cake with this one...
Over a year ago he noticed that something wasn't right and when he was rushed to the ER for his kidney stones told the doctors, but since they brushed it off as no big deal he thought he would do the same.
During deployment the problem only got "bigger" and he finally as a joke showed Doc and thankfully Doc took it more serious and was able to diagnose that he thought he has a hydrocele, but told him to follow up with an ultrasound once they got back home.
Brandon came home in April and just yesterday did he FINALLY follow through with the appointment. He was told that he will need to follow up with urology and have surgery to fix the problem. I asked him just this morning if he was going to call and make an appointment and what do you think he said, "I'm going to wait until after September 16th when all the cheif stuff is done" I get a call a few hours later from Brandon saying that urology called the boat and said he has to come back immediately and have everything taken care of.
So he goes in on Friday and I believe then they will schedule his surgery that will happen in the next few weeks. Brandon is stressed because he has stuff he feels is more important at work and cant handle having to take 2 weeks off of work to recover! That's crazy Brandon more worried about work than his health!
I have intentionally left out detail due to the "area" of the problem, so if you want to know more call us.
1 week ago
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