After 28 hours we finally made it home! This was the longest drive for me EVER! I've driven back and forth from San Diego to Dallas 5 or 6 times and from San Diego to Vancouver 6 or 7 times and have never taken as long as map quest has said it would take.
We left Texas later than planned due to the Cowboy game being pushed back to the later game. That was a horrible game and a waste of time to stay and watch, but we're not going to get into that. On top of leaving late we were also sick. I don't normally get sick and when I do it tends to wipe me out. Around 2am I wake Brandon up and tell him I cant drive anymore and he tires to take over, but we are coughing like crazy and poor Ethan sounds like he is about to puke every time he has a coughing attack, so we decided to pull over and rest for an hour or so, but this only leads to more drama cause we can't get comfortable and it was 30 degrees outside and it was useless. I call my mom to have her talk to me while I attempt to drive again and she says we sound like death and suggest that we get a hotel room.
We attempt to pull over again this time Brandon puts the car seats in the back and lays down with Ethan in the middle row and me and Gavin are huddled up in the passenger seat, after way too much tossing and turning and laughing so hard it caused all of us to cough so much it hurt we gave in and went to a hotel room. Thankfully mom was still up (it was 2am her time) she looked up what town we were about to go into and found us a hotel room. We passed out as soon as we got there and slept for a solid 5 hours!
With all the pulling over and the hotel stop we lost about 7 hours of driving, but it was very much needed. After 24 hours into the drive back home we thought we would call the folks and let them know we are still alive and driving and come to find out my mother-in-law has pneumonia and had to go to the hostipal that day! We continue on our way and whenever I needed an ounce of reality I would call Milie and get a good laugh in to push through the next couple hundred miles.
It should be told that when it comes to driving everyone knows I always drive, I'm a control freak when it comes to driving and I DO NOT make a good passenger and I tend to drive the whole way, but going to Texas I wanted to keep my schedule and not stay up all night so Brandon drove his fare share of about 40% on the way home with me being sick you would think he would have stepped up, but he was tired and had just dealt with the Cowboys so he drove maybe 150 miles total out of the 1400+ we had to do to get home! ;-) Him being such a gentleman asked if I wanted him to drive the last 45 minutes home, we just laughed!
By the time we got home we walked in not unloading anything and the boys feel asleep on the couches and I went straight to my bed and texted a few people that we made it and tired to go to sleep, but that was when I heard Brandon calling my name!
Not only was the internet turned off so was the TV! Our military housing comes with free internet service and while we were gone they switched companies and we hadn't gotten the password to the new one so we were locked out. About TV lets just say direct TV and I aren't friends right now! We got home Monday night and today is Friday and for the past 3 days I've spent a good 2+ hours on the phone with them daily! I'm actually waiting for them right now cause after all the b/s they had put us through the are giving us a free upgrade with HD! Brandon keeps reminding me to be thankful, but who wants to argue while they are sick? Not me.
All in all, it was a crazy experience to get home, but the trip was worth it. I will do another entry later about the trip.
1 week ago
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