Just wanted to fill in the blanks, with the freezing…The guy finally came out Tuesday, but left saying he had to order parts and had no idea when they would come in especially this close to the holidays. I had finally had enough and called maintenance and said they needed to do something! I have 2 sick kids and winter break is fixing to start and this is not how I planned on spending my 2 weeks off of school. They said they would give me a couple space heaters and I'm thinking okay I remember growing up using them, so I was okay with it. When I went to their office they were the size of Ethan’s head (sad comparison, but true) I was thinking how are these going to heat up my 2000 sq. ft home?! I plugged them in and within 15-20 minutes our rooms were so hot, I contemplated turning on the fan to not only create a breeze but to circulate the air and spread the warmth throughout the house. So I must “man up” and say I was in the wrong and should had trusted them when they said those little heater could work wonders.
And then finals…I finished all my finals and only have a bad feeling about the writing essay, but we’re not going to go there again. I am totally stoked that I’m finish and we’re celebrating this Sunday by having cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory and then my girlfriends and I are taking the kids to the San Diego Wild Animal Park, where they are having the Festival of Lights. This year they added a snow hill!!! Can you believe snow in southern California, fake or not I can’t wait to see the kids in it!
1 week ago
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