I’m not much of a writer, but I love reading other people’s blogs and thought it was about time I returned the favor! Plus having family and friends spread throughout the U.S. I thought this would be a great way to keep updated on everyone.
What’s going on with us, Brandon is currently on a mission and were supposed to be unable to have any contact. I hate when we are unable to get at least just a quick email that say hello! But Brandon being Brandon found a way to send a message and give hints that we won’t hear from him again till after the holidays! In this deployment he will miss every birthday of ours and all the major holidays, but thankfully he’ll come home days before our anniversary! Woohoo for me!!
The kids have 2 more weeks of school before winter break. Ethan goes to year round school and doesn’t have to be back till January 22, but Gavin is through the Navy and only has 2 weeks off. So Ethan and I get some alone time; which will be nice since he has taken on the role of Daddy to Gavin since Brandon left. It’s the cutest thing ever, but he’s only 5 and I don’t want him to grow up yet! The boys are very much like me and overly independent. Every night Gavin likes to start his own bath water and they both must wash their own hair and bodies. (I supervise and they actually do a really good job) This is where Ethan steps in and gets Gavin’s PJ’s and will get his tooth brush out and put the tooth paste on it for him, and even comb Gavin’s hair. After the 5 minutes of brotherly love its back to frick and frack! The new thing is where they are going to sleep. You would think that their beds might be the spot, but no it couldn’t be that simple! It’s either in Amya’s room or down stairs and the latest is in their closet. They have a walk in and there is room for them, but it freaked me out the first time. I went in their room to check on them and they were nowhere to be found! I went running back and forth from upstairs to downstairs and panic started to sit in, finally Ethan woke up to me yelling for them and all sleepy eyed comes down stairs and says, “What Mom, I’m right here.” BOYS!!!
As for me I have my English final tomorrow and if I don’t pass the final I can’t pass the class, even though the final doesn’t count as any points towards my final grade. After the fires down here it really threw my Prof. off and I don’t think she has gotten back on track yet. She sent out all the assignments that should had been done and turned in and there is a weeks worth of work that I had no idea we had to do. Hopefully she fixes it and that I’m not in the wrong. I thought all assignments were pushed back or dismissed due to school being canceled. I guess that is what I get for assuming, huh? On Monday is my math final and I just found out that I can’t use a calculator on it. I use on every test and again assumed that I could on the final, but NO. Wish me luck. I should be on the same school schedule as Ethan, but I thought with Brandon gone and that I really want to get my degree ASAP that I would take a speed course during the break, so I’ll have 2 weeks off and then back to school.
Because of that class and me being a tight wad, we are staying here for the holidays. I was going to go home and stay for a few weeks and have Hannah’s baby shower, but the timing isn’t right. Plus now we are going for spring break and will do the shower then. We will be able to extend our stay and be there for the birth. I am so excited for that! I truly thought that I was going to miss the birth because Hannah’s due date is the same day Brandon pulls back into port. Brandon told me very sternly if I wasn’t on the pier, then I might as well not come home. He wasn’t serious, well maybe he was :) but I don’t blame him after 6 months of being away from your family I would want them there when I got back.
Okay I’m rambling, I’ll stop. I didn’t think that I would have much to say, but this is a good start, don’t you think?
Here is some pictures of Brandon's battle group, I think they are awesome!
1 week ago
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