Why is it when a child is sick and is non-stop throwing up the WHOLE house has to smell like it. It is now 12:30am and we are on round 3 of Gavin getting sick! Each time I have given him a bath, well the last two a quick splash of water has done the job. I honestly thought that there was no way that there could be anything else left in him, but sure enough he has come up with more!
My other complaint is why when I put the bucket right next to his bed does he throw up everywhere else but in the bucket? I am on round 2 in the washer on bedding and should really be on round 3, but due to having the world’s slowest washer and dryer I’m behind!
I think I just answered my first question; my house stinks because my washer is as slow as a snail!
1 week ago
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