Well where to start? This is new to me but Sara seems to have the hang of this by now so bear with me... I am three months into a six-month deployment and am missing San Diego and the family more than anyone can imagine. Deployment has been as fun as it can be but somewhat interesting because I haven't really seemed to find my comfort place on my second tour on USS Topeka. Don't get me wrong I am established and doing well at my job as usual just really have not gelled with the people like I did on shore duty or last time on Topeka. It has always been easy to make friends for me and have some guys I really get along with but no bonds like the ones I had before. Just took the Chief's exam a couple of days ago and hopefully in August there will be some good news coming my way and can move on from Topeka and begin a new journey somewhere different. Back to deployment, have been to three different parts of Japan and am now in Guam with the final port on the horizan that will conclude my journey of sights for this time away. Underway is really what is the crappy part, living on a black steel tube can really get boring over time. I have gotten a few things accomplished in my time off. I am on my fifth season of Madden and Tiger Woods for PS3, read a little, studied for my exam, and watched more movies than you can imagine. I bet you are all JEALOUS! Now if i could get the wifey to get me some more entertainment for the second half like NFL tour for PS3 and maybe the World Series of Poker game for the PSP (HINT HINT) I might just not lose my mind the second half! Other than that not really that much to do with the time after I stand watch. Well I feel like I am rambling a bit so I will let you all go for now and will try to come up with something interesting to post by the time I am in the next port. Everyone stay safe and I will talk to you later. Brandon
1 week ago
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