This is the picture I am going to submit to the girl next door contest...
Monday, March 31, 2008
Easter Sunday= Girls day out on the boat
I know this is a little late, but hey better late than never...Easter Sunday was a beautiful day and we got together to let the kids dye eggs and we were going to the beach. But it was PERFECT boat weather and Angie said let's do it. We had to get the kids life jackets and being Easter everything was closed except REI, so it was a bit more money, but an investment that this summer will get it's worth. Here are some pictures of our day minus Milie, cause her pictures are still MIA :)
I just realized that Milie is in most of the pictures, especially of us lunching the boat into the water, so soon I'll be back to tell the story of how Milie got more than she expected while getting the boat into the water...Mid play we had to make a potty stop for the kiddos
After the bathroom break Angie let the kids take turns driving
Once we got home and washed off the boat I caught Angie in this pose...
This is where all you boys can wipe the drool, and all you girls can be jealous that I have a Maxim friend, and you don't! I should secretly submit this photo to the girl next door section of the magazine and I guarantee that it would get in! Wouldn't that be nice, her hubby is reading the magazine and then turns the page to find his wife! :) All in all it was a great day and we had a blast and can't wait to go out again!
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12:33 PM
Procrastination Queen
Everyone knows that I am the queen of procrastination, and it finally caught up with me tonight. I have been saying for days that I needed to get my homework done cause I knew that I was going to have a busy weekend. But of cause I wait until the night it is all due and try to rush and finish it. I came home this afternoon with full intentions of getting it done, but I was tired and thought that I could take a nap first and do better on it later. Makes sense right? Well I ended sleeping for a few hours longer than I wanted and then life came into play and the boys needed my attention and it was just going slow as can be. I finally get my math done and move onto my child development class, and the reading for that class took FOREVER! But I finished with 25 minutes till it was all due, I start my discussion questions and see that I have about 15 minutes so I take the test first since it is worth more points and it will lock you out if it's not done on time. Not to toot my own horn, but I always do great on these test and since I was rushing this time I got a B, not bad but I was trying to get all A's in this class. I see that I have 4 minutes to finish my last DQ and I rush and as I post it turns to 12:01, so there I go, ONE freaking minute late! Now I can only hope and cross my fingers that she will still give me points for it. I'm guessing since I have a paper due Tuesday I should start it now and not wait until dinner time Tuesday night!
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12:03 AM
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Oh Lord Jesus
It's me, Angie and Milie and guess what...we're drunk! hahaha Don't you wish you were here with us! After months of dealing with everyday drama of not having the hubbies around we thought it would be great to get drunk and let loose around us girls. We ended up playing card games, chicken foot, and doing the arch for homecoming. As of this moment Angie is falling off the ball and Milie is laughing at her and Roxy is lost for words, and I can't spell for the life of me! :) Angie likes window! Hold on, I"m gonna go get my camera to take a picture of it... Don't let Sara fool you she is a little two sheets to the wind. And if Sara is Two sheet then Milie is 10 Sheets to the wind. She can't even stand up she is swaying all over the place and is quite the fun drunk. We always enjoy having her around!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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4:16 AM
Friday, March 28, 2008
Rock, Paper, Scissors!
I know that I haven't finished my Texas trip blog, but I got board with it and had to move on. One day I'll finish it :)
Onto more important things, I was cutting Ethan's nails today and he hates when I cut his toe nails, so he decided that we should play rock, paper, scissors and if he won I won't cut his toe nails just yet and if I won I could. This could be fun, right? The only problem for Ethan is that he is a creature of habit and he ALWAYS throws scissors first and then follows with what you just threw. Knowing this I threw rock and smashed his scissors, grabbed his foot and started hacking away!
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11:35 AM
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Texas trip
I know that I've been slacking, I mean my gosh we've been back for 5 days and I still haven't blog. So let me take you through a day by day experience of our return home...
It started with the plane ride of hell, and not due to the boys they were actually really great and drum roll please, QUITE! The problem was that I truly believe we got a pilot straight out of flight school. It was like a kid driving a car, just turning the wheel side to side thinking that is how you drive. When we took off we rocked side to side for a good 5 minutes! And then the landing he did it again trying to line up to land it was crazy! But enough of that for now...Where do you think I went straight to after the airport?
And it was as delicious as I remembered. Wait a minute I have to go wipe the drool off my mouth! Okay I'm back, now we're off to check into the hotel and to get Amya. Even with the GPS I still made the wrong turn, but in all fairness the exit it told me to take was closed due to construction. After picking up Amya we go eat dinner with the in-laws. Oh how sweet it is to have true Mexican food. I know, y'all are thinking I live 10 minutes to the boarder wouldn't I be able to find some authentic Mexican food? Well here's your answer on one side of me is Taco Bell and the other Del Taco! But Texas now has not only Mexican recipes, but Mexican chef's, Mexican waiters, they even speak Spanish (which isn't a problem here in San Diego) but you get my point. So we leave there with our tongues slightly burnt from homemade salsa, there goes the drool again!
We head over to the hotel for the night. It took forever to get the monkeys calm and into bed, but here is how they ended up...
Knowing they were all snuggled into bed, lights out for me.
We wake up early to drive out to Auntie Alli's house for Ethan's birthday party. Plus it was a great excuse to have the family come together, so we wouldn't have to drive to each of their houses, problem was that only GG (great-grandma Darlene) drove out. Oh FYI when I say we woke up early we woke up at 7:30"ish" I believe, but that is Texas time, so it was 5:30"ish" to us! We wouldn't fall asleep till west coast time, but wake up central time! Here are some pictures from the party...
This wasn't just Ethan's birthday party, it was the first time the boys met Aunt Alli, Uncle Jimmy, cousins Alyssa & Aidan, GG, and Sweetie.
After being run out of the house by the real estate agent we head over to the park. Of course as soon as we get there we have to make a potty run, and we ended up hiking down the road to a restaurant because everything else was closed.
Once it's time to leave this is where the drama starts. Who is riding with who and who is staying where. Mom and me have to head out to Austin straight from there and the boys are going to a football game with Papa and Grandma Kathe the next night, so to allow my mom to spend more time with her Dad in Austin we decide the boys would stay with Papa at his house. Well the cousins wanted to stay with eachother and Amya didn't know what she wanted. During all this Gavin decide that he changed his mind and wants to go with me. After packing, unpacking, and re-packing a bag for the kids they all go with Auntie Alli and Papa Tom had to drive back down to pick up the boys to go to the game. I get a call 25 miles into going to Austin from Gavin crying that he wants me to come get him. I feels so bad becasue I realize that I haven't really left him with anyone and only once overnight with my mom and sister (they think Auntie Hannah as their "fun" second mommy) And then my mom lays the guilt on me by saying way to go Sara, you leave your kids with strangers! :) She was just playing of course, but it was right. They had just met them that morning! Alli says she can handle it and we continue to drive to Austin.
Day 3
Mom and I wake up without getting any phone calls during the night that the kids didn't make it, so we head off to Grandpa Curt and Kathy's house. This is the first time I can remember meeting him and it had been YEARS since my mom saw him. It was actually really nice and he is extremely funny. It was nice to see some traits that my mom has in him. He always had a quick come back that made me laugh. And the best part was that he aged so gracefully. My God women would die to have his porcelain skin! I can only pray that I have skin like that when I get older. So here it is God, if I'm only to get one trait from the Crandall side PLEASE let it be the skin!
After spending as much time as we could with Grandpa Curt and Kathe in Austin we had to drive back to Corsicana to pick up Amya. Once we get to Alli's house to get Amya, Alyssa looked sad becasue the boys were already gone and now I was taking Amya. So we had her pack a bag and come stay with us in the hotel in Dallas. We entered the hotel address in the GPS and started off, only to be passing buildings that we passed coming into town from Austin. Knowing that we should be headed north to Dallas something wasn't right. It took a quick minute but we figured it out, we had put in the Austin hotel and not the Dallas hotel. We could have drove 2 1/2 hours south before we finally realized that we would have to turn around and drive 4 hours north to Dallas! By the time we get back it's late and we headed off to dinner with just us girls since the boys were staying the night at Papa Tom's house due to coming home late from the football game. The girls wanted to go swimming and hoping after a long day of driving that it would make them tired, I take them.
Day 4
We wake up early to pick up the boys to having mother nature pouring her eyes out casuing flash floods, so we call it an lazy day and stay indoors. We take the kids swimming and order in for dinner. After all the driving and time change, a day to relax was what I needed, so thank you rain! BUT kids do not agree that indoor days should be quite days! There is only so much swimming you can do with the kids before they start turning into prunes, so I ran to Target to buy stuff to keep them busy. You may never see me run as fast as I did that day trying to get out of the rain. :)
(If your reading this, I have to go tend to the boys I'll be back in a few to finish)
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9:15 AM