Milie came over last week to help me get the bunk beds upstairs and I WISH that we would have had a third person here, not to help cause they would have just gotten in the way, but to take pictures! We took the bottom half first and it wasn't a big deal. We hit a few walls and had to flip the bed around to slide it through the curve of the hallway and into the boys room. Then it came to the top bunk and we knew that we would have to unscrew one side of the rail. In doing this we figured out that it was held in with wooden dowels and we would have to completely take that side apart to get it off, so we figured we would just go ahead and try to get it upstairs. Having the rails it made the bunk at least 20 pounds heavier (not really but being as out of shape as I am it felt like it after already carrying one) We start up the stairs and start hitting the wall, no biggie. Then when we get to the top of the stairs and have to turn. We aren't able to make it fit and have to lift it above our heads and over the rail. It took a few heave hos and finally we got it up on the ledge and we tried to push it the rest of the way, but it got stuck on my computer. This is where Milie and myself took turns trying to figure out how to lift it up and get it over the computer. FYI it wasn't that it was to heavy it was at an awkward angle and we couldn't get in the right position to lift it. Finally I climb under it and try to lift it while Milie is trying to hold it up by herself and not drop it on me. I end up pushing it and it falls and lands on Milie and she stops it with her legs! Since she probably wont let me take a picture of her bruised up thighs, just imagine what a solid wood bunk bed could do to a females legs! Poor thing! So now we have to try to angle it into the room. We try twisting and turning it the best a solid box can twist and turn and I end up getting my finger smashed into the door jam, again no biggie. After doing some rocket science we get it into the room and THEN we have to pick up the damn thing AGAIN to get it onto the lower bunk! Thank God she came and helped cause there couldn't have been any way on earth that I alone could have gotten it up those stairs! Getting them in the house was a task within itself! Moral of the story always have a friend that is willing to beat themselves up just so your kids can finally sleep in big boy beds! Actually I didn't buy mattress's for them yet, so they are in Amya's bed until then and I'll have to call her again to help me get them up, but at least they wont bruise! :)
1 week ago
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