At my doctor’s appointment today I found out that I have steatohepatitis (inflammation of the liver) Actually I have NASH non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, but all my levels are back to normal and if I maintain a healthy life style then the inflammation will decrease. BUT if I don't it could possibly inflame again causing my liver to scar and hardened which could lead to cirrhosis. If it got that far it would be very serious because cirrhosis leads to liver failure, so lesson learned I need to eat healthier and up my daily activity levels. I am going to a nutritionist every month, so with her help I think/ I know I'll be okay. I want to thank all of you for the prayers and extra positive thoughts that y'all sent this way. I appreciate it more than I can ever express.
Oh, also while I was there the doctor thought he would have me immunized against Hepatitis A and B. I had to go to the infection disease area to even get the shot. I finally get called back and I ask her if this is going to hurt, and she says no. She gives me the shot and it was fine, but as soon as she started pushing in the vaccine I felt the instant burn and my muscle started twitching! I say, "Damn, that's why kids cry!" she starts laughing at me and I'm thinking okay I'm over the worst part, NO! She tells me I have to come back in 30 days for round 2. Oh hell no I'm thinking, and she processed to tell me than in another 30 days from that I'll have my 3rd round! I'm thinking I'm done for! She tells me to sit for 5 minutes to see if I have any reaction. I'm thinking other than this burning twitch that I'm having? I go and sit in the waiting room and by then my arm is throbbing! Finally my 5 minutes are up and Gavin and I leave to go home. By the time I get home I can't even lift my soda without my arm hurting! Pitiful I know! I try to lay down and lift my arm above my head, and it shoots this sharp pain through my entire body! I can't believe that a shot can make me feel like such a gimp! And to make matter worse I go ahead and attempt to bit my tongue off. It wasn't one of those painful bits where it takes a second and then your over it, this was a tears pouring, body shaking, blood drawn kind of bit and now my tongue is throbbing! I'm done for tonight!
1 week ago
I had a pneumonia shot awhile back and had the same reaction. Good news, won't last forever.
Glad that you are seeing a nutritionist and taking care of yourself, you are loved by many.
When your kids start reading your blogs, you will have to drop the cuss words. :)
love you, give hugs & kisses to the kids, tell Brandon hello
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