Not to toot my own horn, but I have been on honor roll since I started school over a year ago and this semester I have met my match with my English teacher. Those close to me know what I'm talking about. This is the sugar coated quick version...
Every assignment is wrong, he wants it done one way so I take the bad grade and the next time around I change my format to the new way he says he wants it done and I get the comments back "why don't you follow directions?" WHATEVER I bite my tongue and try to do exactly what he wants each assignment but it is never right. I'm barley passing this class; actually I'm not at this point. When it comes to his grading he doesn't just grade the assignment he goes on to tell me that I'll never make it in school and I'm not college level and the latest is why do I even bother going to college and that I'm closed minded!
I don't know what to do, almost 75% of the people in the class has dropped it, if that doesn't tell him something I don't know what will. For Thanksgiving he sent out an email saying he has nothing to be thankful for in this class because it hasn't turned out the way he planned and that it saddens him that we don't participate as much as he would like. He does these post and he states his opinion and gives us the option to comment back- none of us do because he just writes back and tears your opinion apart. He required us to read an awful book that I didn't like and when it came time to reviewing it I wrote exactly how I felt and he judged my opinion and that's when he said I was closed minded and why even bother going to college and trying to learn!
I have held back all semester but I finally wrote him back (actually I wrote him back after he called me schizophic) this time I didn't play nice I told him how I felt and I called and asked for an appointment with a conculer with him. I just hope they can get me in before Wednesday of next week cause that is the end of the semester and when we leave for Texas.
Oh I CAN NOT wait to write my review on him and his class!!!!
1 week ago
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