Once again I procrastinated to the last minute. I had a paper due last night and around 9pm I thought I should finally start working on it. After an hour all I needed was to add a reference and turn it in, but this is when the drama started! My Internet went out! I tired to reset the modem and router, no good! I tired to call Time Warner, busy! I text Milie to see if she was up around 10:30 cause I was willing to drive all the way out to Chula Vista to turn this assignment in. I need the points to pull off a decent grade. She doesn't respond and I continue trying to fix the problem, but nothing is working.
Here is where it gets "fun" I drive over to Starbucks, closed! I tired to log on from outside hoping they left their connection on, no go! Barnes and Noble, closed same thing, no connection. It's almost 11:30pm now and I have 29 minutes to turn this in or I lose a whole letter grade! I call Brandon and ask for his opinion cause I am thinking of driving out to Milie's anyways and just sitting outside her house and logging on that way. I know I'm able to log on to her wireless cause I've done it before. Brandon says I'm crazy for being willing to drive that far just to turn it in, so I head back over by my house and drive through the neighborhood trying to log onto some one's wireless connection. Finally a few blocks from my house I'm able to do so, but there isn't anywhere to park and I feel like a freak just sitting in the middle of the road trying to do homework in my car! I drive back over by my house and try to log on again and my own connection says it's available.
I have about 12 minutes to get it turned in at this point so I try to log on and it again says no connection! I finally plug the land line in and hope that it works and it does! I turn in the unfinished assignment with 3 minutes to spare and then add the reference and email my teacher a b/s story that I forgot to save and here is the link with all the saved parts (meaning the FINISHED assignment). I've been having issues with my router and I guess I'm in need of getting a better one. If anyone knows which brand to buy please give me the heads up cause my cheap netgear isn't doing it's job!
1 week ago
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