After getting home from Thanksgiving dinner I got online to get a few ideas of what to shop for and noticed that Kohl's opened at 4am not 5 like Milie and I thought. Also some of the stores offered the deals online so I went ahead and order a few things so I wouldn't have to go to those stores (Best Buy mainly, that would have been CRAZY) I finally laid down around 1:30am and knew if I went to sleep I wouldn't get up so I tried to watch TV and did the dosing in and out. Finally around 3 I walked the house to wake myself up and I text Milie shortly after to tell her that I was coming earlier than planned. Thank goodness she was game cause I would have for sure passed out if I would have had to wait any longer. I get to her place a little after 4 and we head to Kohl's.
The line to check out is already starting to form and we head straight for the sheets cause online I saw that they had 800 thread count on sale for $59.99 from $159.99, once I get up there and actually feel them I realize that I like the 600 thread count better and they are only $39.99! I almost bought some cheap sheets a few weeks back because Brandon and I are in grave need of new ones! We also found a great deal on gifts for the grandparents (at least that who I bought them for). We weren't in line too long, nothing like the year I went with my mom!
After Kohl's we went to Target, when I was driving into the parking lot we noticed the line that was starting to wrap around the building! Milie jumped out and I went off to find a parking place. I saw a lone shopping cart and parked next to it and jumped out to claim my great find! Once I find Milie in line the gal behind us started talking up a storm. I've never been that person who can just start up a conversation with anyone, but luckily she wasn't too bad. Her boyfriend actually came in handy later. Milie and him wanted the same toy so once we got in they took off and he cleared the path for Milie to get what she needed. He also pointed out to us where another toy was that we thought was already gone.
We again found some awesome deals and check out at Target was on point! They had it set up and everything was going smoothly! I also love that on their receipt it said how much you saved and I save almost $100 bucks! Love that!
After Target we went to Game Stop, that little store had the WORST line of all! It took FOREVER and by that point my tiredness was falling upon me and Milie and I were hungry!!!! Once we finally get to the front of the line I realize that I was supposed to pick a free game so I had to get out of line to pick one and I kinda felt bad that I got to cut in line once I had it (okay I didn't feel bad at all, I had waited for a life time before hand). Once we got out of there we had to eat so we went to I hop, the same I hop we went to last week before Twilight. It was just as good this time around again. After breakfast we decided to try KB Toys and we head off to the unknown. I'm not from Chula Vista and Milie doesn't cross the other side of 805 (inside joke) I look up the address on my phone and realize it isn't too far way and we brace ourselves to cross over.
Once we finally find it Milie is at the point of laughing uncontrollably due to lack of sleep and we laugh our way to the store. KB Toys isn't what I remember it to be. I only found a toy each for the boys but we did find Cinnabon. They were offering a sale too; 6 or 4 for $10! Why would you choose 4 instead of 6 I don't get, we asked and they didn't have a good answer. The guy was a bit off! We got our 6 to take home to the families and we go to Macy's there I find Brandon a gift and by that time we both feel the bed calling our names. We stop at Starbucks so that I can make the drive home and pick up lunch for Milie and her family.
On the way home I planned to pick up lunch for my family too, but Brandon wanted me to come pick them up and we would go eat lunch and then go see Bolt. I come home and end up passing out on the floor! He let me sleep and by dinner time woke me up to see if I planned on getting up at all. I hadn't at that point but thought I should at least feed them. After dinner we all pass out! Thankfully staying up and sleeping all day didn't mess with my schedule!
Saturday morning I wake up to not being able to move at all! I had done something to my back awhile ago and I just deal with it, but it was throbbing! Brandon's friend calls and asks him to meet him for lunch, so Brandon and the kids go to do that and I head off to get a message! Since Brandon wasn't game for rubbing it for the 1000th time I take advantage of one of those first time deals. After the message she says to ice my back nightly and that it is really jacked up. So last night that is exactly what I did, I iced till it melted!
All in all I had a great 4 day weekend, Thanksgiving at Angie's, black Friday shopping with Milie, message and finished up Christmas shopping (while Brandon took the boys to see Bolt) and today we are relaxing!
1 week ago
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