For awhile now I have been writing down things I want to accomplish in my life and these are what I have came up with so far
• Travel (my list started off with each destination I wanted to travel to, but feel that it’s a general topic) I want to backpack Europe and Contiki offers an awesome deal that would take me to France, Spain, Monaco, Italy, Vatican City, Greece, Egypt, Turkey, Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary, Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Netherlands and Belgium in transit! Now that would be the true definition of backpacking Europe in my opinion. I also want to travel to each of the 50 states, walk the Great Wall of China, scuba drive the Great Barrier Reef, take a romantic vacation to Bora Bora, take a family safari in Africa and have a girls getaway to New York City and see a show. There are many other places I would love to see, but you get the point.
• Earn my masters! I know that I started way late with the whole college degree since I went the family route first but it can be done! My goal is to get it before my oldest graduate’s high school so that gives me 8 years.
• My thrill goal is to sky dive. Most say I’m crazy especially since I have a family, but my take is just since I have children doesn’t mean I have to give up me. If it wasn’t safe I wouldn’t do it and I have a better chance getting in a car wreck then getting hurt jumping out of an airplane.
• Learn to play the piano. I don’t have to be Mozart, but I want to be able to play more than Chopsticks and Mary had a little lamb.
• Speak Spanish fluently. Being half Hispanic I feel it’s important to learn my heritage and even though my Caucasian mother speaks more Spanish than my Hispanic father I want to change that cycle where my father wasn’t raised to learn the language and I want my children to be able to speak, read and write in Spanish as well.
• I want to live overseas and put good use to my degree (that I will have earned by the time I move) and help; like a Peace core mission. I want to be able use my nursing degree in a disaster situation and make a difference.
I know that most of my goals are obtainable (actually all of them are) the traveling will cost some money, but that is why I’ll earn my masters to pay for it ;-) and living overseas won’t come until Brandon retires from the Navy (maybe we’ll have a chance to do it while he’s in and the military would actually pay for us to move how nice would that be) Really what it boils down to is how much of an effort am I willing to give! I’m already in school and working on the degree, I have a keyboard (I know not the same, but a start) downstairs that has a program to teach you to play, and come on how many self taught books are out there to teach yourself a language.
Writing it out and re-reading what I wrote has given me a new prospective on my list and points out if these goals aren’t accomplished it’s completely on me! Guess I should get to work.
1 week ago
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