Last night I read
while I should had been re-reading
I had a paper (quick summary of part 1) due last Wednesday which I still haven't done. Thankfully my teacher allows late work up to 5 days late so I have till Monday to turn in.
Instead of re-reading I decided to ask my friends for some suggestions of a good read and on Friday while we met up to take the kids trick-or-treating Milie brought me The Choice and The Rest Falls Away. Sadly to sad I have never actually read a Nicholas Sparks book so I thought I would start there, especially since Angie gave me 2 other's of his to read.
Today when I was talking to Milie I told her that I read The Choice and she says, "All of it?" I tired to tell her I was going to go home and read it, but I don't think understood what I meant, cause when I say I'm going to read a book I do just that. I was up till 8am reading it all. As much as I love to read I have issues when it comes to putting a book down. I haven't mastered that option yet. I didn't start reading till almost midnight because I knew I wouldn't stop once I started and I actually tried to go to bed last night. After an hour of tossing and turning and shaking my foot (I have RFS) I decided to go ahead and start it.
For those of you who haven't read it yet, I won't spoil it for you. All I want to say is that I was seen A Walk to Remember and The Notebook and when I was coming to the end of the book I remembered how those stories ended and I was boo-hooing till the last page. I strongly suggest this as a read for those who need something passion in their lives (can you tell my hubby is out to sea) ;-)
It's now 2am and since I can't sleep I can either do math homework, start my re-reading (since I'm able to stop with books that don't interest me) or I can start reading
What do you think I'll be doing?
1 week ago
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