It is now 6:45am and I haven't even thought of laying down yet. I have been up all night doing stupid math homework. That test that I blogged about on Tuesday or Monday (I'm too tired to remember) anyways its due tomorrow (actually tonight now) at midnight and I was trying my best to not wait till the last minute and I wanted to finish it asap, the only problem is that I haven't gotten the score I want on the pretest and so I keep taking it and retaking it to only improve by a single question!
I now have to stop and go wake the kids for school and I know that as soon as I get back I'm not going to want to log back on here and start this process all over, my bed will be calling my name.
So those of you reading this and know my phone number call me this afternoon to make sure I don't sleep my day away, Thanks for the help! ;-)
1 week ago
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