Today the guys were supposed to leave but good ole Topeka broke AGAIN! But we already had plans for the day, being Gavin's 5th birthday it was his party! Luckily for us we have great friends here and they told their hubby's they had plans and wouldn't be able to pick them up till after his party! I felt bad for the guys (not really) but was delighted that they wanted to stay for Gavin.
As I have said before Gavin is the quite one and into animals and art, so he picked his party at the pottery shop where we picked a piece and then painted it. It was actually really fun and I was glad that I didn't have to worry about having everything perfect at my house to entertain people. At the shop they set it all up and took care of everything for me.
Let me take a step back... around lunch time I called the girls and we planned to met up for lunch before the party, but this is when we were starting to get word that the guys may not be heading out today. Keith had forgotten a bag at home so Angie and I headed over to the base to drop it off and since Brandon had duty yesterday I wanted him to be able to actually see Gavin on his birthday. After a quick hello, happy birthday, love y'all, goodbye we headed off to meet Milie for lunch. This is after many "I'm hunger" texts and I felt awful. When Milie called to ask where we were I didn't want to tell her, but we got there shortly after and had lunch and then headed over to the shop for the party.
Gavin of course got a giraffe, Ethan and Michael got matching dragons (Ethan is a follower, sad but very true!) Bree got a penguin, Alex picked out a dog, Angie a pig (she LOVES pigs) spoon rest, Milie a star with a sailor hat on and I pick out a frog. Here is a few pictures from today...
After HOURS this is what Milie accomplished
Here is a group picture of what we all did, I'll take another once we get them back next week. (Before/After pictures)
After the party we headed to Point Loma to meet up with our other halves. Once Angie and I got to her place this is what we walked inside to find...
Oh so peaceful
Once we got home Brandon feel right back to sleep (he was up all night with the guys trying to get what was broke fixed) I took the boys and we headed to Target so Gavin could use his gift card from Papa Tom and Grandma Kathe. He would pick a few things and then change his mind and he did this a good 4 or 5 times before he finally got his loot
After we left Target it was dinner time so we headed home to ask Brandon if he wanted to join us. Gavin wanted Chili's so we drove over there and they sang him Happy Birthday and he tired to hide it was cute
as you can see Gavin and I don't like getting our pictures taken
As soon as we back home Brandon passed out again so I helped the kids put together Gavin's new toys and we played for awhile and once the fighting started I sent them to bed and now I'm here. What a day!
1 week ago
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