After that post from last night I now am lost for words!
I'll try my best to explain; our last assignment I spent hours on it and have been waiting to get it back because in my opinion it was a sure A if not 100%! Well I got it back tonight and it was my worst grade yet! He then went on to comment that I am schizophrenic (my writing that is) and that I am not college level, that I don't follow directions or do my work properly!
Everyone knows tough Sara doesn't' cry, I was so pissed that I got that lump in my throat! I had to call mom and she tried to claim me down and she said I should call my Grandma who has her masters and would know better how to handle the situation. She suggest that I go to my school counselor and try to work it out. Milie was the saving grace because she got me to laugh about the situation and at least I won't be up all night thinking about it now with her jokes in mind (7/11...that's all I'm going to say)
I wrote him an email and very politely told him how I felt and now I'm waiting for a response. I'll let y'all know how that goes. Also I guess according to him I'm not mastering MLA format.
1 week ago
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