My teacher wrote me back and it was pretty civil and he apologized and said that he was upset that I didn't refer to him as Joe and instead by his last name. Why that would set him off into a rage on me I don't know, but as my mom said I was probally his outlet for whatever build up he had throughout the day. I'm at ease now about the class and I'm just looking forward to getting the class over with.
ORDERS!!!! I've gotta do the happy day, hold on...okay I'm back. There is nothing in the military life more satisfying then finally getting orders that you have been waiting months on! Tonight Brandon checked on them and there in bupers the lovely orders that say yes we are staying in San Diego and here is the bummer (for Brandon) we aren't transfer next month but in January; which is actually a good thing (for me) cause I'm making Brandon put in for leave for December; which he wouldn't be able to take if we were already on the Asheville.
That husband of mine stresses that if he leaves everything will fall apart so we NEVER take vacation. He is at the point of use it or lose it, so we are taking 2 weeks off (I'll probally only get 10 days out of him) but it's better than nothing. We are planning on going to Texas, but even if we don't we will figure something out around here. I'm excited cause it will be the end of my semester and the kids will be on their 1 month winter break (dang year round school schedule) It's almost better than Christmas!
1 week ago
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