I took English 205 because it is a requirement for my bachelors; whatever is what I thought. I breezed through 101 learned nothing, but help my gpa. This class has turned out to be something else.
This class is critical thinking and intermediate composition, we are half way done with the semester and we've had the great debate with everything going on in the world. We've talked about the presidential debates, economy, financial issues, and this week the bailout. I have never gotten too involved with politics but I have found such interest in trying to find answers. I am completely immersed in finding an understanding with why everything is the way it is and what can I do to make changes.
I thought this class would again be a breeze, but then I had to come up with my own thoughts and ideas and thought shoot this might take up more time than I thought and now I can't get enough!
*as for intermediate composition I'm mastering MLA format!
1 week ago
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