I just got home from school and don't feel like studying for my chemistry test that I have tomorrow and thought I would get in a quick blog; good plan huh? ; )
A month ago the boys had their 6 month check up at the dentist and Gavin had to get some work done. I knew this going in cause I saw a cavity; which lead to me making the dentist appointment in the first place. But anyways they ask to give him nitrous oxide due to his age and they fear that he wouldn't sit still. I tell them that he is a champ and to just fill the cavity.
It was a bit deeper than thought and he needed (the secret word while we are at the dentist)...a shot. They again ask to give him the gas and I tell them that he will be fine for it as long as they don't tell him that's what he is getting. I was right and he did just fine. The dentist was very impressed.
With the side of his mouth numbed Gavin kept pulling at his lip and messing with it. By the time I got home (10 minute drive at most) he had turned into Hannibal Lector and a chunk of his lip was gone and there was blood all over. I cleaned it up and iced it and realize that it was going to turn into a mess. The next morning the inside of over half his lip was white and disgusting. I bought some Abreva and applied it all day along with chap stick.
Over the next few days it was getting better when we went to Ralphs for some quick grocery shopping and I'm not sure exactly what happened, Gavin blames Ethan, Ethan says he fell on his own, but Gavin did a face dive into the curb. Again blood all over and a new cut but he also ripped the healing part of his lip in half.
We start the process of Abreva, chap stick and ice all over and while brushing his teeth the next day I noticed that his gums ever bruised, they were a deep purple/blackish. I felt bad for the little fella cause he is shy already and now he had this mess going on.
That following Sunday we were getting ready to go to Milie's for my weekly dinner over there and to watch Big Love when I noticed his front tooth was turning dark, kinda gray/blackish. I called my mom and she told me that my brother Jeremy did the same thing as a child and killed the tooth at the root and he had a black tooth.
I'm a bit vain when it comes to my kids and I started to freak out! I didn't want that for him and especially his front tooth! That night I couldn't sleep and had nightmares of his tooth so I skipped school the next day and took him into the dentist and they said that he had killed the root but the good thing was that it didn't harm the permanent tooth.
I was SO bummed and wanted to cry (we all know that I'm NOT an emotional person) but this made me so sad. The dentist explained that it turned black because it was the blood draining into the tooth and I saw the black starting to form on the back side of his tooth.
For the next few days I brushed his teeth for him, cause he still had the bruise and wasn't doing such a good job and cause I prayed and prayed that it wouldn't die and that the x-rays were wrong. I also made him used Listerine and guess what.....
The tooth has turned back white and that black spot isn't there anymore. I don't know how it went from being 100% dead to not anymore, but I thank God for it. It is still a slightly different color but you have to look closely to notice and I'll take that any day over a black tooth!
*I tired to take a picture of it, but Gavin wouldn't let me
1 week ago
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