For over a year I have had a Blackberry and with my plan came 1500 text messages. I never went over and all was fine when last month I checked my usage and realized that I was close to being over. I turned off my emails cause each email counts as a text and told everyone no more texting for the next week.
It was a LONG week, I didn't notice how often I used my text messages, a quick could you stop at the store on your way home to Brandon and a good morning to Milie and Angie which follows with a quick chat back and forth with them.
After the week was over and my cycle started over I switched to the family plan text messaging which was only $5 bucks more than I was going to pay to change mine to unlimited since we were paying $5 for Brandon to have 200 a month.
Within the first week I checked and I was already at 1500 and a few days before my cycle was to end I checked and I was over 5600 messages! Is there such a thing as texting anonymous? Cause I might need to look into it.
For Valentines Brandon and I actually went out on a date this year (though it was the night before, Milie and I swapped date nights) At dinner he told me I could get an iphone or a coach wallet. He wasn't able to go before hand and buy me something cause he was out to sea, if he had I would have gotten the wallet so it's a good thing he didn't have the time cause I've been eyeballing the iphone for months now and dropping hints so that's what I chose.
I'm not use to the touch screen yet so maybe this month my texting wont be as many ;)
1 week ago
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