Today is the day for Gavin to have his stitches removed and we all got ready and were about to head out. FYI, when we were discharged they said I can either come back to the ER and wait and they will remove them or I can go to my local clinic.
Just to be on the safe side I called ahead to our clinic and guess what they said? GO TO THE ER! I don't want to wait hours for the 10 seconds it takes to remove the stitches, so I did it myself!
Gavin was a trooper and only asked what was I cutting and then he only wanted to count along with me while we pulled them out. Amya had told the nurse practitioner that I am a nursing student so she gave me the suturing kit so I had all the right tools.
Thanks to her she save us a day wasted at the ER
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
take that!
Posted by
12:48 PM
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Day in the ER
I was upstairs when I heard Gavin and Ethan yelling (play yelling) at eachother and a few seconds later crying. This is what I see...
After cleaning it up I realize that it will need either a butterfly band-aid or glue to close tightly. I take him over to our local clinic in hopes they can do that so I don't have to go to the ER, but of course they send us to Balboa
While we wait during every ER wait I was telling myself it's not that bad and maybe we could just leave. Right when I was about to get up to leave they call our name and after all the in take they clean it better than I did and I realize how deep it is. Next is the steps it took us to get out of there
every 5 minutes adding more
after 20 minutes good to go
the first doc thought we could just glue it (classic corpsman judgement) while the nurse practitioner realized it needed to be stitched. They wrapped him up like a burrito thinking that he would kick and scream but my champ didn't move an inch
getting stitched up, they covered his eyes thinking it would help keep him still but he was watching through the gauze the entire time
All done
we go back next week to get the top layer of blue stitches out. crazy up close and personal picture but you see what I'm talking about
So that was our day, topped off with lovely San Diego traffic
Posted by
5:42 PM
Saturday, July 18, 2009
I've been meaning to go private for some time and with all the major events going on right now I don't need all of the world knowing where we're moving, how the modern world's medical interventions are helping us along with baby #4, and how I did in school (who really wants to read about that anyways?)
But we do want our family and friends to keep updated on the rugrats and progress of everything...especially when it comes to the remolding, I am far from an interior designer and will need your opinion...desperately! Really we want y'all to know what's going on in our lives while y'all are spread throughout the US, so I don't have to repeat myself over and over : )
So, if you want to be added send me your email so your not left out. I'll be making the change within the next week or two.
Posted by
11:19 PM
Friday, July 17, 2009
"You're fired!"
Our loan officer has been a pain in the ___! And today I got to fire her! It was so liberating, I have never felt better about a decision in my life. Without having Brandon around to vent to and emails not getting the same result, my poor mom and bestie (Milie) have been having to deal with me.
I thought maybe I should just step back and deal with it since I don't want to go through the process of another loan officer but I was having a terrible time dealing with paying someone who was treating me like crap. Our broker agreed and even though he has worked with her for years he called and simply said, " I have a question for you, how do you feel about Danielle?" Poor guy probally wasn't expecting me to completely unload, but I did. He said that he completely understood and agreed and will have another replacement without us having to deal with any b/s.
That's what you get for thinking you can treat people like that and take their money!
Posted by
4:11 PM
Good news
I just received my last grade for summer semester and I got a 4.0! There is nothing sweeter than being able to take a normal 16 week semester and be able to still pull off an A in 5 weeks. The teachers don't give you less work, its WAY more. At some points I felt overloaded with everything else going on, but I did it.
And thanks to Milie for being my editor I was able to get 100% on my last two papers!
Posted by
11:35 AM
Escrow - husband = not a happy camper
Having to deal with my lender is tough enough let alone Brandon being gone for all the paper work is stressing me. It's not fun buying a house with a piece of paper (power of attorney) compared to him actually being here.
Our broker swears things will only go up from here. Today should be the last b/s day, I'll believe it once the keys are handed over.
Brandon isn't just missing out on all the paper work, he is missing out on picking paint, carpet, flooring all the "fun" stuff. I can't make up my mind and Amya and I have been back and forth between Home Depot and Lowes and I think I finally have the carpet, flooring and paint for the living areas picked out.
I took this picture with my Iphone to get Milie's opinion so I'll take a better one later, this is just to give y'all an idea
The parents are trying to arrange to come down at closing to help with the move and pops can help with the flooring. I'm not sure if I'm more excited to get our keys or see the family or have the family see Brandon and I as "grown ups."
Posted by
11:06 AM
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Escrow here we come
We drove out to the house today to make a final decision if we want to go through with it, after a couple hours out there and a few walkthroughs Brandon and I decided to go with it. The house is sound but in need of some TLC, nothing some paint and cleaning can't fix. Here are a few of the pictures I took...Oh also a lot of family has been asking size and what not it is a 5 bedroom 3 bath and a little over 3100 square feet. We love the potential and the space for growth...okay back to pictures
3 car garage, single to the left double to the right
kitchen was MUCH bigger than we thought, we'll eventually go granite and stainless steel (we do have 30 years to upgrade lol)
and cabinets don't need replacing like I thought
windows in stairwell
dead but Brandon will fix
Doors to master bedroom
Master bath/ his and hers
2 sets of cabinets upstairs, these in the hallway and one in the loft
these are just a few, will post more once I take better ones (wasn't in my photographer mood today)
Posted by
7:38 PM
Research paper
We had to write a 8 page (2 of the pages were the title page and the other was the works cited) research paper for history. He gave us this assignment right after the class started and of course me and my procrastination waited once again till the day it was due to start. Not only was the paper due that day but 5 chapters of questions were as well.
I took the kids to school came home and started on the questions. Only break I took was to watch the Michael Jackson Farewell. The first week of questions took me 4 hours and the second week 7 hours, Tuesday wasn't any different another 7 hours! After a quick dinner I started in with my paper.
My goal was to be done by 10-10:30 so that I could have Milie or my mom proof read it and have it submitted by the due time of 11:30. After a lot of nagging from Amya, Brandon, Milie and everyone else I finally finished and thankfully Milie took the time to proof it for me and caught a few errors. I submitted it and have been waiting for my grade all week, it came today and I got 100%
Posted by
11:23 AM
Friday, July 10, 2009
Good attitude paid off
I had just sent our agent a new list of houses that we want to see tomorrow and then not even 10 minutes later he calls. I'm thinking it was to say he got the list and that we were good to go but it was that our offer was accepted!
These pictures are from the listing, we are headed up in the morning and I will post the ones I take in afternoon
Posted by
2:45 PM
Knocked down, but back up again
My frustration is real but my determination is strong. Tomorrow we're headed back to Murrieta and this time we upped our limit. We have been really smart about our max and even though we are pre-approved and our agent has shown us some beauties we want to be realistic...I am a full time student and we don't want to put ourselves in a bind. No if's and's or but's will we put ourselves in a position will I have to quit school and work just to pay our mortgage.
We are in good running on one house, best and finals are in and it would be a SWEET deal if we get it. If not I found 3 more I really like, one even has a pool, that could be good and bad, but I'm going in with a better attitude so we'll see.
Posted by
11:59 AM
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
They win
Screw it...we're moving into a condo here in San Diego, screw square feet, screw huge lots, and screw investors who have $300,000 cash laying around to buy up all the houses on the market!
Posted by
6:43 PM
Monday, July 6, 2009
Investors SUCK!
All these investors and cash buyers are ruining our chances at buying! We have lost 4 great homes to cash buyers and were told that we just need to wait it out and that our house will come along...I agree but we all know Brandon and I aren't the most patient people and with everything else going on it almost too much for Brandon is OUT TO SEA AGAIN! House hunting is no fun alone and I'm second guessing myself to put in an offer since Brandon and I have seem to fall in love with different houses. Here is to hoping those bleeping investors don't like this one...
More pictures to come if everything works out, don't want to jinx ourselves
Posted by
9:49 PM
Saturday, July 4, 2009
4th of July
When you think of the 4th you think of BBQ's, picnics, hang out with family and friends, fireworks...well for us this year we have one sick little boy and another one on a plane. To top it all off Brandon and I woke up and decided to clean the house. Brandon had a wise idea that I would want to spend the next few weeks while he is out to sea setting up for a garage sale. Fun huh? In this heat, I'm not so sure about it.
Hope y'all have a wonderful 4th and are safe
Posted by
2:37 PM