I was upstairs when I heard Gavin and Ethan yelling (play yelling) at eachother and a few seconds later crying. This is what I see...
After cleaning it up I realize that it will need either a butterfly band-aid or glue to close tightly. I take him over to our local clinic in hopes they can do that so I don't have to go to the ER, but of course they send us to Balboa
While we wait during every ER wait I was telling myself it's not that bad and maybe we could just leave. Right when I was about to get up to leave they call our name and after all the in take they clean it better than I did and I realize how deep it is. Next is the steps it took us to get out of there
every 5 minutes adding more
after 20 minutes good to go
the first doc thought we could just glue it (classic corpsman judgement) while the nurse practitioner realized it needed to be stitched. They wrapped him up like a burrito thinking that he would kick and scream but my champ didn't move an inch
getting stitched up, they covered his eyes thinking it would help keep him still but he was watching through the gauze the entire time
All done
we go back next week to get the top layer of blue stitches out. crazy up close and personal picture but you see what I'm talking about
So that was our day, topped off with lovely San Diego traffic
1 week ago
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