Our loan officer has been a pain in the ___! And today I got to fire her! It was so liberating, I have never felt better about a decision in my life. Without having Brandon around to vent to and emails not getting the same result, my poor mom and bestie (Milie) have been having to deal with me.
I thought maybe I should just step back and deal with it since I don't want to go through the process of another loan officer but I was having a terrible time dealing with paying someone who was treating me like crap. Our broker agreed and even though he has worked with her for years he called and simply said, " I have a question for you, how do you feel about Danielle?" Poor guy probally wasn't expecting me to completely unload, but I did. He said that he completely understood and agreed and will have another replacement without us having to deal with any b/s.
That's what you get for thinking you can treat people like that and take their money!
1 week ago
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