Sunday, November 30, 2008

Black Friday and then some

After getting home from Thanksgiving dinner I got online to get a few ideas of what to shop for and noticed that Kohl's opened at 4am not 5 like Milie and I thought. Also some of the stores offered the deals online so I went ahead and order a few things so I wouldn't have to go to those stores (Best Buy mainly, that would have been CRAZY) I finally laid down around 1:30am and knew if I went to sleep I wouldn't get up so I tried to watch TV and did the dosing in and out. Finally around 3 I walked the house to wake myself up and I text Milie shortly after to tell her that I was coming earlier than planned. Thank goodness she was game cause I would have for sure passed out if I would have had to wait any longer. I get to her place a little after 4 and we head to Kohl's.

The line to check out is already starting to form and we head straight for the sheets cause online I saw that they had 800 thread count on sale for $59.99 from $159.99, once I get up there and actually feel them I realize that I like the 600 thread count better and they are only $39.99! I almost bought some cheap sheets a few weeks back because Brandon and I are in grave need of new ones! We also found a great deal on gifts for the grandparents (at least that who I bought them for). We weren't in line too long, nothing like the year I went with my mom!

After Kohl's we went to Target, when I was driving into the parking lot we noticed the line that was starting to wrap around the building! Milie jumped out and I went off to find a parking place. I saw a lone shopping cart and parked next to it and jumped out to claim my great find! Once I find Milie in line the gal behind us started talking up a storm. I've never been that person who can just start up a conversation with anyone, but luckily she wasn't too bad. Her boyfriend actually came in handy later. Milie and him wanted the same toy so once we got in they took off and he cleared the path for Milie to get what she needed. He also pointed out to us where another toy was that we thought was already gone.

We again found some awesome deals and check out at Target was on point! They had it set up and everything was going smoothly! I also love that on their receipt it said how much you saved and I save almost $100 bucks! Love that!

After Target we went to Game Stop, that little store had the WORST line of all! It took FOREVER and by that point my tiredness was falling upon me and Milie and I were hungry!!!! Once we finally get to the front of the line I realize that I was supposed to pick a free game so I had to get out of line to pick one and I kinda felt bad that I got to cut in line once I had it (okay I didn't feel bad at all, I had waited for a life time before hand). Once we got out of there we had to eat so we went to I hop, the same I hop we went to last week before Twilight. It was just as good this time around again. After breakfast we decided to try KB Toys and we head off to the unknown. I'm not from Chula Vista and Milie doesn't cross the other side of 805 (inside joke) I look up the address on my phone and realize it isn't too far way and we brace ourselves to cross over.

Once we finally find it Milie is at the point of laughing uncontrollably due to lack of sleep and we laugh our way to the store. KB Toys isn't what I remember it to be. I only found a toy each for the boys but we did find Cinnabon. They were offering a sale too; 6 or 4 for $10! Why would you choose 4 instead of 6 I don't get, we asked and they didn't have a good answer. The guy was a bit off! We got our 6 to take home to the families and we go to Macy's there I find Brandon a gift and by that time we both feel the bed calling our names. We stop at Starbucks so that I can make the drive home and pick up lunch for Milie and her family.

On the way home I planned to pick up lunch for my family too, but Brandon wanted me to come pick them up and we would go eat lunch and then go see Bolt. I come home and end up passing out on the floor! He let me sleep and by dinner time woke me up to see if I planned on getting up at all. I hadn't at that point but thought I should at least feed them. After dinner we all pass out! Thankfully staying up and sleeping all day didn't mess with my schedule!

Saturday morning I wake up to not being able to move at all! I had done something to my back awhile ago and I just deal with it, but it was throbbing! Brandon's friend calls and asks him to meet him for lunch, so Brandon and the kids go to do that and I head off to get a message! Since Brandon wasn't game for rubbing it for the 1000th time I take advantage of one of those first time deals. After the message she says to ice my back nightly and that it is really jacked up. So last night that is exactly what I did, I iced till it melted!

All in all I had a great 4 day weekend, Thanksgiving at Angie's, black Friday shopping with Milie, message and finished up Christmas shopping (while Brandon took the boys to see Bolt) and today we are relaxing!


I know I've been slacking on the posts, but I finally had time off of school and took full advantage of it! For Thanksgiving this year we went to Angie's again and they smoked the turkey again! We actually had plans to stop by the Miliner's also, but Chris ended up really sick and couldn't even work. In the Military missing work cause of being sick is a big deal! To put it in prospective Brandon has been in 10 years and has never had a sick day. The only time he has gotten off was when he had his molars pulled and a few months back when he has surgery. Since it's the holiday season and I have finals coming up we didn't want to chance getting sick so we ended up only going to Angie's.

Milie is from Washington and Angie is from Oregon so watching the Cowboys beat the Seahawks was Brandon's high light! Thank goodness the "Badhawks" are playing like crap this year cause Brandon isn't a fun guy to be around when the Cowboys aren't playing well. We ended up eating after the game, and after the feast us girls played phase 10 while the guys watched tv and relaxed. After helping cleaning up we got home about 11pm! It was a great night which lead to me staying up all night so that Milie and I could go "Black Friday" shopping. But that is the next post.

I forgot my camera, I know I NEVER leave home without it but I took it out to charge it and forgot to put it back, so I took a few pictures with Angie's and now I'm playing the waiting game to see when I actually get them from her ;-) I'll post them once I get them...I don't know why I say that cause I never do, does anyone? A month or 2 later post pictures that were left out and now are completely random? ;-)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Mormon's are coming

I am always asked questions about being Mormon and this Saturday at 3:30pm you can either come to my house to ask your own questions since I never have the right answers or tell me your questions and I will be taking notes so I can finally put a rest to the interragations ;-)



We all know that I have been counting down the days till Twilight and I was even thinking of going to the midnight showing, but 1. Milie wouldn't go with me and she even threatened to not go see it with me if I had already seen it ;-) 2. I finally am back on normal sleeping hours and didn't want to chance messing that up. So Friday morning after dropping off the kids at school I headed out to Chula Vista and went to pick up Milie. We had planned on going to breakfast and then the 10:15am showing. Norma called and said she didn't have to work so she wanted to join us. We tell her to meet up at i hop and head off to buy the tickets just in case.

Norma ended up going the wrong way and we had to box up her breakfast to go so we wouldn't be late. Once we get to the theater it is in one of the smaller ones. I was kinda shocked but oh well. I went into the movie trying not to think about all the reviews that I had heard such as something was just missing to it is today's youth version of Titanic. I thought over all it was good, not great like the Titanic, but then again it didn't have the same kind of budget. I also wasn't all for the casting, the Cullen's didn't fit and I didn't like how they made them foster couples. But because I love the series as much as I do I hope that they make the rest and that they are given a better budget.

Oh can we talk about the piggy back ride up the hill. Milie's reaction was to die for and I could not stop laughing! I became one of those people that are laughing at nothing and won't stop. I had to think of other thoughts and keep taking deep breaths! Come on, they could have came up with something better. Even though it was hallirious!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Getting there

Everyone knows I am a night owl but for the past 4+ weeks I have had a HORRIABLE case of insomnia. It went from going to bed at 2 to 4 then 5 then 6 to staying up to take the kids to school coming home and doing a few things and going to sleep around 8 then 9 to 10am and waking up when I needed to pick the kids up from school! On weekend I would go to bed once the kids were just waking up. I tired all my tricks I had up my sleeve to get back on schedule like skipping a night of sleep and staying up the next day to sleep that night. I ended up sleeping that night and then the next day as well to make up for lost time I guess. It completely backfired on me cause I was sleeping every other day and it was not only taking it's toll on my family life but my health and my well being.

The other night I did it again and the next day Milie called me at 8pm and it woke me up. I had enough! I tired to stay up till the following evening time, but didn't last and fell asleep around dinner time and woke up a little after midnight. I decided to stay awake till the next night (last night). Last night I fell asleep around 9pm and slept till 3:30am. I've been awake since then and I hope that tonight I will go to bed around 10 and sleep till 5. I know that isn't the best of schedule, but if I can sleep those hours it would make such a difference in my life right now. Wish me luck so I can be normal again! ;-)

Friday, November 7, 2008

It's A New Day

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What can you say

A couple weeks ago I ordered some movies online for the kids as stocking stuffers and yesterday I got a package that I had no idea what it was. I always grab the mail on the way home from picking up the kids since it's not right in front of the house it is actually good distance around the corner and down the road. Back to the story, the kids were in the car when I opened the package and it ended up being the movies so my plan was ruined.

Tonight they asked to watch

and I said it was fine, I actually sat down and watched it with them cause I've never seen it myself. I've listened to the CD more times than I ever wanted too and Amya can sign every song without missing a single word. After it was over I put the kids to bed and guess what I did?

I posted myself up on the couch and watched

ALL BY MYSELF! I even caught myself tapping my foot to the beat in one of the songs! I don't even know what to say, I'm just going to end it there...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Yes We Can - Barack Obama Music Video

Yes We Can

Here it is Milie

Sunday, November 2, 2008

My bucket list

For awhile now I have been writing down things I want to accomplish in my life and these are what I have came up with so far

• Travel (my list started off with each destination I wanted to travel to, but feel that it’s a general topic) I want to backpack Europe and Contiki offers an awesome deal that would take me to France, Spain, Monaco, Italy, Vatican City, Greece, Egypt, Turkey, Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary, Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Netherlands and Belgium in transit! Now that would be the true definition of backpacking Europe in my opinion. I also want to travel to each of the 50 states, walk the Great Wall of China, scuba drive the Great Barrier Reef, take a romantic vacation to Bora Bora, take a family safari in Africa and have a girls getaway to New York City and see a show. There are many other places I would love to see, but you get the point.

• Earn my masters! I know that I started way late with the whole college degree since I went the family route first but it can be done! My goal is to get it before my oldest graduate’s high school so that gives me 8 years.

• My thrill goal is to sky dive. Most say I’m crazy especially since I have a family, but my take is just since I have children doesn’t mean I have to give up me. If it wasn’t safe I wouldn’t do it and I have a better chance getting in a car wreck then getting hurt jumping out of an airplane.

• Learn to play the piano. I don’t have to be Mozart, but I want to be able to play more than Chopsticks and Mary had a little lamb.

• Speak Spanish fluently. Being half Hispanic I feel it’s important to learn my heritage and even though my Caucasian mother speaks more Spanish than my Hispanic father I want to change that cycle where my father wasn’t raised to learn the language and I want my children to be able to speak, read and write in Spanish as well.

• I want to live overseas and put good use to my degree (that I will have earned by the time I move) and help; like a Peace core mission. I want to be able use my nursing degree in a disaster situation and make a difference.

I know that most of my goals are obtainable (actually all of them are) the traveling will cost some money, but that is why I’ll earn my masters to pay for it ;-) and living overseas won’t come until Brandon retires from the Navy (maybe we’ll have a chance to do it while he’s in and the military would actually pay for us to move how nice would that be) Really what it boils down to is how much of an effort am I willing to give! I’m already in school and working on the degree, I have a keyboard (I know not the same, but a start) downstairs that has a program to teach you to play, and come on how many self taught books are out there to teach yourself a language.

Writing it out and re-reading what I wrote has given me a new prospective on my list and points out if these goals aren’t accomplished it’s completely on me! Guess I should get to work.

The Choice

Last night I read

while I should had been re-reading

I had a paper (quick summary of part 1) due last Wednesday which I still haven't done. Thankfully my teacher allows late work up to 5 days late so I have till Monday to turn in.

Instead of re-reading I decided to ask my friends for some suggestions of a good read and on Friday while we met up to take the kids trick-or-treating Milie brought me The Choice and The Rest Falls Away. Sadly to sad I have never actually read a Nicholas Sparks book so I thought I would start there, especially since Angie gave me 2 other's of his to read.

Today when I was talking to Milie I told her that I read The Choice and she says, "All of it?" I tired to tell her I was going to go home and read it, but I don't think understood what I meant, cause when I say I'm going to read a book I do just that. I was up till 8am reading it all. As much as I love to read I have issues when it comes to putting a book down. I haven't mastered that option yet. I didn't start reading till almost midnight because I knew I wouldn't stop once I started and I actually tried to go to bed last night. After an hour of tossing and turning and shaking my foot (I have RFS) I decided to go ahead and start it.

For those of you who haven't read it yet, I won't spoil it for you. All I want to say is that I was seen A Walk to Remember and The Notebook and when I was coming to the end of the book I remembered how those stories ended and I was boo-hooing till the last page. I strongly suggest this as a read for those who need something passion in their lives (can you tell my hubby is out to sea) ;-)

It's now 2am and since I can't sleep I can either do math homework, start my re-reading (since I'm able to stop with books that don't interest me) or I can start reading

What do you think I'll be doing?