Little man has made a complete turn around and is home and doing much better. Now on what you've missed since I had a mild freak out...Gavin it now part of the two wheel club, here's the video of it...
We also had Bree Week here, and I couldn't let YMCA show me up so we made plans to do things everyday that she was here. On Monday we went to the San Diego Zoo and it's the same as last, but there was this artist "Splash" it was amazing! He was able to paint these in the matter of minutes
(pictures to come, my computer is acting up)
Tuesday we finally took advantage of being So Cal residents and went to Balboa Park where every Tuesday they offer free admission into 3 or 4 different museums. This last week it was Reuben H. Fleet Science Center, Centro Cultural de la Raza, Model Railroad Museum, and Natural History Museum. I planned out which one we would go to Monday night so that we could go to all. I had no idea how many people take advantage of this offer and it was a mad house there. We had to park a ways away and we rode the trolley over to the park.
We went to the railroad museum first and it was really neat, small, but neat. The boys LOVED it! It's model tracks all over and the men who build them. It was fun to watch the kids try to chase the train and scream, "look mom it's going in the tunnel, let's go find it!"
Next we were off to the natural history museum and this is after I heard how a waste it was from Milie and Angie, but I actually liked it. I've never been to any other like they have, so I don't have anything to compare to.
Then we went to the actually science museum and that was CRAZY! After a quick walk through and into this area where they take pictures of your shadow and Bree coming out after being pushed around I said I had enough, so we headed over to the culture center. They were painting it and people were just sitting around. I didn't get it, but there was a painting on the wall that I actually liked, so that's all I can boast about that place.
We were all hot and getting tired so we left. Wednesday was a relax day and we spent it at the pool. Thursday was ice cream day and we went over to Cold Stone for a treat, thanks Angie for paying! It's been awhile since I've had Cold Stone and it was good!
Friday, we weren't sure if Bree would be here, but since the guys came home earlier then thought she did and we went on a bike ride and the bark dust took on Bree. She was stabbed by a piece of bark dust! Well it actually punctured her foot! It went through her flip flop and into her foot. Due to the pain she bit her lip and once I got over to her there was blood all over. Poor thing, I had to medevac her by putting her bike into my bike trailer and her and Gavin got in and we rode home to get a better view of the damage.
All in all, it was a fun week, thanks Bree for getting us out of the house. Poor boys have been on summer break for a few weeks now and this was the first outing.
1 week ago
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