The other night Ethan stayed up late with Brandon and I and he kept bugging me so I thought I would mess with his loose tooth. He was letting me wiggle it back and forth and I had the bright idea of seeing if it would go side to side instead, and all I hear is a crunch and Ethan yelping. At this point I had to take out my trusted camera and try to get video of his tooth, but since it was almost 2am the lighting wasn't so great.
Now his poor tooth is just hanging there sideways and IT just had to come out cause I didn't want him to sallow it while he slept. Daddy came over and told him to would be okay and to hold his hand. I tired to pull, but that little bugger of a tooth didn't want to go anywhere (I think it was trying to tell me that I shouldn't have messed with it) anyways Brandon went int to the kitchen or somewhere and Ethan wouldn't let me touch his tooth until Daddy came back over to hold his hand. It was cute.
I finally got my nail under the tooth and was able to yank that sucker out. Here is Ethan moments after...
He was so proud
That's the little sucker that was giving me grief
1 week ago
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