With Brandon making chief they hold a Khaki Ball to introduce all the new inductees. I have never had to dress up for a school dance and in the 8 years together, I've never gone to Sub ball. I've always been the babysitter or I was out of town and Brandon went by himself. This time around Brandon says I have no choice becasue he has to go and really wants me there. I am actually excited and since it is a semi-formal it will give me a sneak peek into what Sub Ball will be like next year because no matter what I'm going and mom will fly into town to watch the kids so I have NO excuse. Here is the dress I found, what do y'all think?
Now if I can just work on my tan to be like hers ;-) Also I'm open for shoe ideas, I want something I can wear again yet flirty since I'm wearing a short dress
I also found a clutch I like...
1 week ago
I like it but I would want to see it on. Sometimes they are deciving in the picture and don't really look that good in person. When are we going to go dress shoping or are you going to buy on line. I like the shoes as well. It would all pull together really cute!!!
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