The boys were able to get some new clothes since the Grandma's sent us some gifts cards. The boys LOVE going clothes shopping that is once I get them away from the Wii! They LOVE trying on clothes and putting on a "show" for me. They come out and strike a pose and (take this term lightly) twirl around. It's great fun for me and I love when we get a chance to do this.
On the way there Gavin was telling me that he wasn't going to go to school even though he was getting new clothes. We had a quick debate about it and I love how the boys think they can tell me what they are going to do. In the end, we're working on him accepting the fact that he'll be starting school in a few weeks.
Here are a few pictures of the boys with some of their favorites...
There are a few things I need to say about these pictures,
1. I know my boys have "issues" with taking pictures and for some reason can't get a simple smile out. It is ALWAYS a process. Maybe it's because I love taking pictures and I have somehow gotten into their heads
2. Yes, they will be getting hair cuts asap, knowing me that will be the day before school starts ;-)
3. Yup that is a Wii wheel strapped to Gavin. It's there from the moment he wakes up till I have to yell at him to put it down, I'm looking into rehab for him about it
1 week ago
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