I have been stressing out about school; when will my appeal go through and if it does how long will it take to be processed, and once all that is resolved who is going to watch the boys for my first week of school. And then Brandon had to add to all the drama by making chief and the Navy not being able to decide if they are going to let us stay here in San Diego or not, but that is another post to come.
Yesterday afternoon AFTER I had already logged into the college web site to check on my grades that my Drama teacher STILL HAS NOT posted! She calls and says there is an opening on my English class that is on the web. I hurry and log on and drop my in class one and add the online one. You should know while I was doing this the availability was going down, and there was only a few seats left. I was shaking and worried that I just gave up my seat in class and won't be able to get in the online one, but it all worked out.
So here is my plan if I don't hear from the school by tomorrow about my appeal then I'm dropping my Biology and History class so I only will be going online again this semester. I think even though I'm dropping half my load it will be best especially since we don't even know if we are going to be staying in San Diego anymore. Plus I will now have my days free (other than homework time) since the boys will be in the after school program.
Maybe I'll get a job ;-) Haven't had one of those in a few years. Brandon had provided very well for us and it allowed me to stay home and raise the kids, but I guess since they are school age now there is no need for me to sit at home and twirl my thumbs. I'll let you know what I decide.
Thank you Milie for saving the day and giving my mind a rest so I don't have to stress anymore!
1 week ago
Anytime. About the whole getting a job thing. You might want to wait on that one. Give yourself a few weeks to absorb the quietness of the house and the ability to get your homework done without the kids bugging you. And then when you are losing your mind out of boredom, then look for a job.LOL
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