Wednesday, May 27, 2009

How did you spend your first day of summer?

After a lovely 3-day weekend with the family, Tuesday started my summer break (finished my soco final Saturday), Brandon had to go back to work, the boys had to go back to school since their year round, my bestie spent hers having packers pick up the boxes she had been living in over the weekend, and I spent mine...back on campus!

I tell myself every summer I'm taking it off, and once again I'm NOT! I start class again Monday and yesterday I had to buy my text books. My supply list for Design is a freaking page long! I didn't even have enough to cover it all! Not my idea of fun.

The night ended with the boys last baseball games, Gavin was asked to move up a league next year even though his age is to do tee ball again. And Ethan made the last play catching the ball to win the game earning him the game ball for the third time. Guess he went full circle with that, started the season out catching the first ball and ending it the same way.

We wrapped up the night with dinner with the Garrett's, it was Brandon's last chance to see them since he will be out to sea when they leave. He said, thank god we're seeing them in November or I might of cried. He said it jokingly, but I think he'll miss them. :) Thanks, DLA for a delicious dinner


kjij said...

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