Friday, March 5, 2010

I blame the progesterone

Yesterday I had finally had enough with trying to find matching decor with the bumper that I fell in love with and even painted the nursery to match so I packed it all up and RETURNED it! Crazy I know but it was really stressing me out and now I have picked a new set that I don't love as much but it has every piece that I need and I wont stress...that is tell I get it delivered and realize that I have to repaint the nursery!

Anyways here is the new set...

and here it is with all the decor...

I'm not a fan of animal and sport themes being the only option for boys BUT we all know how much Gavin LOVES "long necks" and he is excited for this set. I'll post pics once it is delivered and set up

oh I also FINALLY decided on a crib (won't get into how sad I am that I have to get a new one again) here it is...

once we get back from WA for our spring break trip and my baby shower (yay!) I will be ordering all the "big" items (aka pricey one, lol)