Last week was Ethan's 7th birthday and the weekend before we had his party. After sitting down with him and trying to figure out who he wanted to invite (all of his classroom, baseball team, and every neighborhood friend) there was too many to go ahead with the Chuck E Cheese plan cause that was $10 a kid. We ended up having it at the park across the street and it was fun.
There was about 25 kids that came, ran around and screamed and thank God it was only for 2 hours cause I'm not sure I could of handled much longer ;)! Uncle Mike flew in for the party (not really him and Brandon had already made plans for a get together it was a good excuse to stay all weekend though).
Gifts for days, he made out well
Gift time...
Gavin found one he wanted
The bike the grandparents all went in on
Can you tell what movie the "men" wanted to watch
1 week ago
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