Saturday, December 26, 2009

Baby shopping once again

I know that we were going to paint and paint some more this leave, but I got sick and the paint smell has become to overwhelming for me so poor Brandon has been stuck doing it himself. He has done Ethan's room and the game room. It's more than I truly thought would get done =)

Other than painting I had a doctors appointment where we found out everything is good with the baby and I'm actually a week behind than we thought so the new due date is July 7th

We did some last minute Christmas shopping and ended it with window shopping for the baby. Brandon told me to stop looking only at girl stuff but I guess I enjoy counting my chicks before they hatch. We decided we didn't want to jinx ourselves so we didn't buy anything but I haven't stopped looking online and I think I finally found the stroller and car seat and its so cute that I felt like sharing it with all of you

I know it's not very fitting for a boy but don't worry I have one picked out for a little man as well, I'm just not as in love with it as I am with this one

but it is still cute, huh? =)