Saturday, December 15, 2007


Yesterday I called maintenance to have them tell me how to work my heater, and I did exactly what they told me to do, which turned out to be a no go! It’s freezing in our house! So I called them again today and after 6 hours of waiting for them to “come right over” the guy finally should up just to tell me what I already knew, that it’s broke. And guess what; he says well maybe he’ll come back today but for sure by Monday. I already had to keep the boys home Friday because they had the runny nose for a few days and started with the cough. Now it’s Saturday night and Ethan has no voice and Gavin isn’t far behind. I NEED HEAT!! I can’t believe I’m saying that, especially for those who know me well, I always keep the A/C on but it is unbelievably cold these last few nights and mornings. I need my bed back and am sick of having frozen feet touch me in the middle of the night and wake me up. So pray for us that we don’t freeze to death between now and whenever they decide to show up!